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说, “我们不再恋爱了,“你几乎可以打赌他们停了下来约会​. 数以百万计的讲道系列,关于约会, 婚姻, 和性别. 50 比利·格雷厄姆(Billy Graham)对爱的回答, 亲密关系& 人际关系.


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tags: billy-graham, life. 0 likes. Like “I’ve known the thrill of winning a tough ball game and of winning a golf match on the last hole. But to me the biggest thrill is to win the big one—the spiritual battle of life.” ― William Franklin Graham, Jr. KBE (November 7, 1918 – February 21, 2018), better known as Billy Graham, was an American Evangelical Christian minister and evangelist.He was a member of the Southern Baptist Convention.Graham is widely recognized as the one of the most important and most influential preachers of the twentieth century. Billy Graham · Preacher In his long career as a religious evangelist, the Rev. Billy Graham spoken to millions around the world and served as advisor to US presidents. TED1998 | February 1998 Billy Graham was an evangelist at revival meetings, and on radio and television for over 40 years. 葛培理 牧师 (英語: William Franklin Graham ;1918年11月7日-2018年2月21日),又譯 葛理翰 ,直譯作 比利·富兰克林·葛拉罕 ,生于 美国 北卡罗莱那州 夏洛特 , 美国基督教 新教 福音派 佈道家 ,被按立为 美南浸信会 牧师,是第二次世界大战以后 福音派教會 的代表人物之一。 The life and ministry of the Rev. Billy Graham was dedicated to a sweeping mission: proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every part of the world.

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播客: 在新窗口中播放下载持续时间: —不会说谎, 我们隔了好几个星期才知道我们将有机会与John Mark Comer对话. 说, “我们不再恋爱了,“你几乎可以打赌他们停了下来约会​. 数以百万计的讲道系列,关于约会, 婚姻, 和性别. 50 比利·格雷厄姆(Billy Graham)对爱的回答, 亲密关系& 人际关系. 爱奇艺全网影视,热门好看的影视资料库,提供高清的电影、电视剧、动漫、综艺等网络视频一站式在线观看体验。 央视网(www.cctv.com)由中央广播电视总台主办,是以视频为特色的中央重点新闻网站,是央视的融合传播平台,是拥有全牌照业务资质的大型互联网文化企业。秉承“融合创新、一体发展”的理念,以新闻为龙头,以视频为重点,以用户为中心,建成“一网一端多平台多渠道”融媒体传播体系。 即使是在无意识之中,无计划的中间,我们全人都是上帝的 仇敌。藉着基督的死,使我们与上帝和好了。 “与神和好”是很多人讲道的题目,很多人也以此为主 题写书, 葛理翰(Billy Graham, 1918-)就曾写过一本书叫 Peace with God,与神和好。 让我举两个例子:1:世界大布道家、美国宫廷牧师,葛培 理 (Billy Graham) 1997 年, 。 他接受“水晶宫大教堂” (Crystal Cathedral)舒乐牧师(Robert Schuller)的电视采访。我读 给大家听,这是原文翻译,除了删除不影响原意的几句话,没 有任何改动。 在美国三藩市一个 大财主对我说:[把你的录音带交给我,我要大量批发,免费送给所有的人。 ]我说:[不,你 的财宝在那进而,你的心就在那里。 ]对不信主的人可以送给他,但是你要给他建立一个恩 典的正确观:上帝的恩典是白白的,但不是廉价的。 你得说明视频是什么格式的,我再给你补充吧, 我在百度视频看了,应该是flv格式的,你用维棠FLV视频下载软件,打开软件后把网页地址栏复制下来,在维棠FLV视频下载软件界面上新建然后点下载。下载后,可以使用BitComet FLV转换器1.0进行转换。 英文小说网,提供英文小说在线阅读。英文小说网包含了必读英文原著经典以及辅助初中级英语爱好者学习的中英对照的双语 我的车到了。 -Forrest: Is it the number 9? 这是 9 路车吗? -Black Woman: No, it's the number 4.

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$25. $50. $100. $250 $ Please enter an amount of at least $5 to continue. One-time Gift Monthly Gift Give Now. Related. Video 27:31 Billy Graham Devotions 12th January 2021 – God Never Makes Mistakes. Billy Graham Devotions 12th January 2021 – God Never Makes Mistakes You are reading Billy Graham Devotions for Today Tuesday… Decision Magazine exists to communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ, to inform and challenge readers about key cultural and Biblical issues, and to extend the ministry of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

hace 2 días 05/04/2021 Founded by Billy Graham, BGEA is a Christian non-profit organization that exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by every effective means and to equip others to do the same. Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201 Local: 704-401-2432 Toll Free: 1-877-247-2426 BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Billy Graham - The Offense of the Cross News from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association – February 2021 March 3, 2021 Two years after his death, Billy Graham’s Gospel legacy lives on February 19, 2020 因为他60 多年来对公民和宗教生活的国际化的贡献,2001 年12 月他被授予荣誉爵位,大英帝国(KBE)荣誉骑士指挥官。 自1948 年起葛培理经常被列入盖洛普民意调查机构发起的“世界十大最受尊敬的人”之中,这项调查中的入围者一直被看作是世界的主导人物。2 2/3/2021 · Billy Graham, byname of William Franklin Graham, Jr., (born November 7, 1918, Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.—died February 21, 2018, Montreat, North Carolina), American evangelist whose large-scale preaching missions, known as crusades, and friendship with numerous U.S. presidents brought him to international prominence. Billy Graham est né le 7 novembre 1918.

Perhaps no single doctrine, practice, political position, or preacher has united the sprawling and diverse world of evangelicalism like Billy Graham. Over a career spanning more than 70 years, the Rev. Billy Graham preached the Gospel, in person, to an estimated 200 million people around the world and another two billion via radio, television and the Internet, and he ministered to a dozen U.S. presidents. Billy Graham Archives Begin Move from Wheaton to Charlotte.